Emerging Needs
Parent Corner and FAQs
Welcome to the Parent Corner!
The websites, forms and FAQs are available to offer support to all PCS families. If you discover a useful website or resource to share with other PCS families, send an email to vmele@pcs.school, including your information so that other PCS parents can benefit.
Q: My child's teacher mentioned a few academic concerns to me. What should I do?
A: Contact Vikki Mele, Emerging Needs Coordinator at (626) 791-1214, ext. 277 or vmele@pcs.school
Q: What is the Emerging Needs Program?
A: It is a supportive program for PCS teachers and parents who are looking for information and resources to guide our students to reach their academic, social and emotional potentials.
Q: Who benefits from the Emerging Needs Program?
A: The Emerging Needs program benefits PCS teachers, students and families.
Q: How soon can I request student support?
A: Right now, by submitting your Emerging Needs Parent Request Form (Click Here for an online submission form).
Q: Is there an Emerging Needs process for PCS preschool children?
A: Click here for more information. (For those PCS parents who are clients with Regional Center - Click here)
Q: Does the Emerging Needs program offer marriage and family therapy (MFT)?
A: Yes, Katie Philips-Rector, LMFT, is offering marriage and family services to our PCS students. If you are interested, you may contact her at kphilipsrector@pcs.school or 626-415-7026. Please click here to complete the forms prior to your child’s first session.
Helpful PCS Forms:
Parent Authorization for Onsite Observation
Parent Authorization for Onsite Evaluations
Parent Authorization for Onsite Services
Parent Authorization to Disclose Information
Reading Lab Enrollment
Sample Letter Requesting Public School Screenings
Informational Websites for Families:
Association of Educational Therapists (AET)
The national professional association for educational therapists. AET defines and sets standards for the professional practice of educational therapy. Educational therapists provide a broad range of individualized educational interventions for children and adults with learning disabilities and other learning challenges.
Learning Ally
Website for the leading accessible audiobook library for students with disabilities such as visual impairment or dyslexia
U.S. Department of Education
Federal government website that posts resources and contact information to improve the management and accountability of education programs
Great Schools
Website offers parents explanations for child's learning difficulties –including learning disabilities, AD/HD, autism and Asperger's syndrome
Johns Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth
Website offers students who are gifted challenging educational opportunities that develop the intellect, encourage achievement, and nurture social development
LD Online
World's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD
The Hallowell Center
Promoting Cognitive and Emotional Health in Children & Adults
Website offers resources for adults and children with a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD
Website offers unique writing and reading online services for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia or people who are not native-English speakers.
Read the Words
Website creates an easy to use platform, that allows users alternative methods to process written information.
CHADD - Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
A national nonprofit organization that improves the lives of people affected by ADHD through education, advocacy, and support. CHADD is in the forefront in creating and implementing programs and services in response to the needs of adults and families affected by ADHD through collaborative partnerships and advocacy, including training for parents and K-12 teachers, hosting educational webinars and workshops, being an informative clearinghouse for the latest evidence-based ADHD information, and providing information specialists to support the ADHD community.
Wristlists™ are partnering with CHADD and blogged about by ADDitude. Highly customizable Wristlists™ are proving invaluable to those who struggle with ADD/ADHD, focus or managing their ideal daily routine (which is our mission). Professional coaches recommend highly customizable Wristlists™ because they lead to more successful program outcomes and are known to accelerate the development of brain-based executive functions!
Time Left
Website offers a downloadable reminder clock, alarm clock, tray clock, stopwatch, timer, sticker, auction watch, web countdown and time synchronization utility
Understood - for learning and attention issues
Our goal is to help the millions of parents whose children, ages 3–20, are struggling with learning and attention issues. We want to empower them to understand their children’s issues and relate to their experiences. With this knowledge, parents can make effective choices that propel their children from simply coping to truly thriving.
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
Provides information to the nation on: disabilities in children and youth, programs and services for infants, children and youth with disabilities, IDEA, the nation's special education law and research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities
If you have any questions regarding the Emerging Needs Program, please contact Vikki Mele, Emerging Needs Coordinator at (626) 791-1214 x 277 or send email to vmele@pcs.school